The Mechanism of Re-generation : function of the bioelectricity or the supply of light in the core of our cells : Lapis Elixir

Posted 5 лет назад
Written by Fulmina Institut
The Mechanism of Re-generation : function of the bioelectricity or the supply of light in the core of our cells : Lapis Elixir
This text is an essay of explanation to the « General Public » which has been produced and written by « Fulmina Institut». Explanations of the scientific and medical terms are partially supplied by the Wikipedia Foundation to whom we want to extend our regards and gratitude and also from many scientific papers coming out of different international Universities research centres.

Life sciences and the comprehension of the organic biophysical functions have allowed during the past forty years to start the beginning of the understanding of the infinitesimally large and the infinitesimally small.

Biophysics is a discipline seated at the interface of Physics and Biology where the tools used for the observation of the physical phenomena are applied to the observation of the molecules of biological origin. Many domains of biology – in its widest sense – profited by the advances realized in biophysics: medicine, cellular biology as well as in molecular biology, are but a few examples of the application of the understanding of this discipline that is biophysics.

The understanding of the cellular functions of our organism, is responsible for the great contribution of the development of natural care products against aging and the apoptosis (programmed cell death PCD) of our cells.

The apoptosis (programmed cell death PCD) is the process by which the cells will trigger their own auto-destruction response to a signal. It is one of the possible avenues of cellular death which is physiologically and genetically pre-programmed, a mechanism essential and necessary for the survival of the multicellular organisms. It is in constant equilibrium with the cellular proliferation.

The answer to all the questions related to the functions of the biological physical life, must be found in the origin of the organization of our cellular functions and of the energy that keep them alive (cellular bioelectricity).

The human body is a treasure of nature and its potential is enormous. It is the temple of man and his conscience, and, we need a golden key to pierce its mysteries.

Aging : a biological phenomenon

Our cells are in a constant state of reproduction, then aging is followed by death: this is the apoptosis.

Research done by Russian scientists as well as American ones, such as Alekseï Glomikov, the most eminent pioneer in this domain, Professor Vladimir Khavinson, and, Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak, for having elucidated the physical mechanisms of the cellular aging (in 2009, Nobel Laureate), indicate that his process is very close to the illness process.

All humans go progressively to the adult age and then to the aging phase.

Generally, we keep a good health until 50 years old, our cells that are forming our organs are still very active. With age, their energetic potential (which is a function of the bioelectricity) become weaker and start losing their vitality. Toxins (a toxin is a toxic substance for one or many living organisms) and the free radicals (they are a chemical specie that possess one or many electrons. If their chemical bonding is broken by a heterolysis process, we then obtain IONS instead of RADICALS) these free radicals will accumulate in the cellular functions, in the blood and the systems of immune recognition producing a qualitative and quantitative diminution of their reactions.

This aging process will affect the general functions of assimilation and distribution of the energy, slowing the rapidity and the quality of the cellular reproduction. The biological bonding energy of the inner membranes of transmission is weakened.

The quality of energy exchanges in the interior of the cells that insures their replications, and, a correct information of the DNA/ mitochondrial DNA toward the RNA / the RNA messenger towards the different proteins to synthesize the different amino-acids (the human body is composed of 20% of proteins. They are part of the family of proteins and they have a decisive role in practically all biological processes. Proteins are very tiny molecules constituted of amino acids).

Therefore, amino acids are the constitutive elements of the proteins, and they will gradually lose their performance. The decisive different qualitative and quantitative factors that determine the information, the speed and the degree of the global aging process of the organism.

The cleaning up process of the cellular toxins coupled with a good energy will be the cause of a good mitochondrial functioning – the source of a good reproduction of the cellular chain for our different organs.

Mitochondria :

They are present in vast majority in the cytoplasm of the eukaryote cells which in turn would come from the endosymbiosis of an alpha-urobacteria and a proto-eukaryotic host cell, some two billion years ago. (Endosymbiotic Theory). According to the different types of cells, they can contain between 300 and 500 mitochondria.

They insure the respiration of the cell and the production of its energy, it possesses its own DNA. According to the type of tissue, a cell may contain between 10 and 10,000 DNAmt.

The mitochondrial cell, occupies an essential place in the intermediary intra-cellular metabolism. It is responsible for the catabolic reactions of the amino acids, of the Krebs’ Cycle, the oxidation of the fatty acids as well as the oxidative phosphorylation.

In the course of evolution, mitochondria conserved their own genome, although by comparison, one which is much more reduced by comparison to the one of a bacterium, it is essential to the good functioning of these organelles. Confined to the interior of mitochondria, the organelles (are the different specialized structures that are contained in the cytoplasm and delimited from the rest of the cell by a phospholipidic membrane. There are many type of organelles, in particular in the eukaryote cells. It was long thought that there were no organelles in the prokaryote cells, but a few exceptions have been brought into evidence) produce the energy of the cell, the mitochondrial genome* (DNAmt)

*The mitochondrial genome is particularly in use in the genetic of the human populations, or inagronomy, as a genetic marker for the evolutive biology (“direct and non-ambiguous marker of the maternal genealogy and the geographical structuration within a specie, as well as between the genetic exchanges between populations, between “sub-species”). It distinguishes itself from the rest of the genome of the eukaryote cells, by its non-sexual identity, which is at the origin of the phenomenon of “cytoplasmic male sterility”.

The origin of the discovery of the mitochondrial DNA dates back to 1963. More than twenty years were necessary before the DNA sequence of the DNAmt be understood. Many studies focussed on the function of this molecule and covering a large scientific domain, have already been published: we labelled it the “era of the mitochondrial genomics”.

In the framework of the Aging Mechanism :

One must also provoke a reaction on the telomerase function (telomere) that contributes to the stability of the DNA structure, since a bad duplication of its sequence, that could be due to diverse internal or external factors, would carry a progressive aging. We must maintain its protective role in such a way that the cell will not misinterpret the information as a corruption of the DNA, and in turn, will not provoke the senescence or the stopping of the multiplication of the cells – phenomenon is close relation with the lifespan of a cellular life.

A telomere is a highly repetitive region, therefore a priori non coding, of the DNA, located at the extremity of a chromosome. Every time that a chromosome rod is duplicated, at the time of the replication which precedes the mitosis (cellular division), the enzymatic complex of the polymerase DNA might find itself incapable to recopy the last nucleotides: the result of the absence of a good functioning of the telomere would signify a rapid loss of genetic information essential to the good cellular functioning. The telomeres get shorter with aging, inflammation and stress. Studies demonstrated that short telomeres are associated to a higher elevated risk of an illness associated with aging.

All these biological phenomena represent as many manifestations that appear during the processes of the progressive renewal and the progressive aging of the cells: modification of the DNA information, bad liaisons of the molecules, oxidation of the proteins, glycosylation that carries a large importance in the signalization, and, a good recognition of the information of the cellular immune functions, becomes essential. Glycosylation is an enzymatic reaction that consists in a covalent bonding of a carbohydrate, to a peptide chain, a protein, a lipid or other molecules. Glycosylation concerns essentially membrane proteins as well as the secreted proteins.

Our body is suffering of a premature aging illness that provokes troubles of the organic metabolism, neuroendocrine, or immune system, etc.

The exchange of biological fluids slow down, wrinkles, old age spots characteristics of an accumulation of lipofuscin, pigments that result in a degradation of cellular organelles. Nutritional exchanges weaken and carry metabolic troubles accompanied with a diminution of the energy and vitality.

These problems are the consequence of multiple energetic deficiencies, physical, but also with emotional and mental troubles of a human being.

This premature cellular aging, on a physical level, among other things finds its cause in the fact of an insufficient ionic nutrition quantitative and qualitative energy at the level of the mitochondrial cells, its mitochondrial DNA and most of all its ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

The energy at the cellular level :

Its role is primordial on the physiological level: it is inside of the mitochondria that the energy of the molecules (organic) will be recuperated.

Mitochondria are responsible for the production of the energy essential for the vital functioning of the cell. They accomplish a very important process of biochemical transformation and bio-electro-chemical, while insuring the canal of metabolic functions for the breathing of the cell. It is at this level that the energy is liberated. Mitochondria have been baptized “the nuclear central of the cells” and the ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) the battery reserve of the cell.

The principal role of ATP, is to supply the essential necessary energy for the chemical reactions of the cells. It a nucleotide capable of stocking and transport the energy. A real “battery”.


The ATP contains the adenosine nucleoside that is composed of three phosphates (ADP, AMP, ATP). All the organisms, from the simplest to the most complex, contain ATP that supply the primary quality … and quantitative energy, and in sufficient quantity to maintain the biological functions.

If these low level bio-electrical functions are transmitted by the ATP at a sufficient quantitative and qualitative level, this permits to maintain and augment the mitochondrial development potential (moreover, it is the fundamental reason our nutrition must not be uniquely quantitative, but rather qualitative; namely as much as possible be biological, and energetically “lively – organic”. See the electro physionic measures of the cells.

The bio-electric energy is liberated by the ATP molecule in order to generate within the cell an elimination reaction of the oxygen phosphate (oxidation) and leave the adenosine diphosphate in order to favour the intra and extra cellular osmosis. The ATP is then converted in ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This ADP is then recycled into the mitochondria in order to be reactivated by a new bio-electrical energy and become again an ATP in an alternative cycle (stop/start), but continuous in order to insure the renewal and the maintenance of cellular life.

Each cell contains approximately one billion molecules of ATP, and, for every single molecule, this ATP/ADP cycle will take place once every three minutes (affecting approximately 50 grams of ATP/ADP) NAMELY 460 times per day. The total quantity of ATP in the human body is approximately 50 grams, and it is recycled every day. The ATP is a small molecule used to regulate and stock energy, much like a battery does.

The ATP has a structure that contains some adenine and sugar ribosome that will form the nucleoside adenosine bonded together by an ester phosphate along with two bonds of anhydride phosphate. It is made of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and phosphorus, etc… the whole ensemble is equivalent to more than 500 atoms of hydrogen.

The level of energy is not simply due to the phosphate bond but also to the interaction function of the atoms within the ATP molecule.

It is to be noted that there is a coupling process between the two ATP/ADP reactions that happen almost simultaneously (in Picoseconds) according to the vibratory energy levels: one is exothermal (there is emission of heat), dectrogyrus(Is said of any chemical substance that will produce a right direction spin to light) and the second, endothermal (carries energy, energy provider) levogyrus(Is said of any chemical substance that will produce a left direction spin to light). The phosphate result is then liberated by hydrolysis, process we call phosphorylation that will produce once again, ATP, some phosphate and energy. This energetic metabolism normally auto regulates itself.

The ATP also has other functions: it transports substances through the cellular membranes and supply the necessary energy for the muscular contraction reaction (and also for the cardiac contraction reaction), for the blood circulation and also for the chromosomes and the flagellum. It supplies the energy to synthesize the macro molecules of our organism.

Mitochondria also function by producing a chemical and electrical substance (following the principle of a battery) where they accumulate hydrogen ions in between the internal and external membrane of the cell.

The oxidation of the cell provokes an accumulation of electrons that will push the hydrogen ions through the internal mitochondrial membrane and progressively as the charge of hydrogen ions accumulates, an electrical potential is then liberated into the internal mitochondrial chamber.

This energy provokes the bonding of an enzyme to the ADP, and, by catalyzation, a third phosphate is attached that will have the effect of restarting a new ATP cycle. We have reduced to the maximum the explanations of this process which is in fact, a lot more sophisticated.

To give you a real example of the complexity of this “Electrical Central”: within the ATP synthase, we find three active round molecules whose role is to convert the ADP into ATP, and for every round of the wheel, which in maximal conditions, will carry the wheel into a spin of 200 tours per second, with a result of a production of 600 ATP per seconds!

We also find the ATP in the vegetal reign, since the plants also produce ATP in their mitochondria. They also produce ATP using the light of the sun in their chloroplasts. This ATP is supplied by the eukaryotes.

It is therefore evident, that life as we understand it with today’s scientific knowledge could not exist without the ATP, which is a very complicated molecule that plays an essential role of supplying the necessary energy to tens of thousands of reactions that are happening in all forms of life.

We are just beginning since the last tens of years to understand the functioning process. Each molecule of ADP possesses an atomic mass of more than 500 atomic mass units (500 UMA) and we must raise many questions: how could life exist without the ATP? How could have life on earth produce evolution without the ATP? In spite of the fact that other molecules could have been used in the framework of certain cellular functions, none can replace in a functional and satisfactory manner the roe of the ATP. Life however, conceived of many thousands of other complex molecules (like ATP and mitochondria) to allow humans to live and adapt to evolution in the course of millennium.

All molecules, macromolecules, and truly “nanomachines” of our organism, work together like a unit governed by a morphogenetic field, itself submitted to universal rules, permitting our form of life to exist.

To understand one of these regeneration functions, the functions that carries the energy within our cells, we must speak of the prokaryotes* and the eukaryotes**.

*[A prokaryote (or Prokaryota) is a living being whose cellular structure does not have a nucleus, and almost never any organelles related to membranes (the only exception being the thylakoids in the cyanobacteria). They are (vaguely) simple unicellular micro-organisms that we informally call bacteria and form two types: the archaebacterium and the eubacterium. In the classification of the living in six reigns, the prokaryotes form a paraphyletic taxon thus regrouping living organisms that share a simple and similar cellular structure. According to this recognized classification, this taxon is in opposition to the eukaryotes characterized by the presence of a nucleus and many other organelles. This classification of the living in two elements, being considered the most fundamental. We also consider that the eukaryotes were generated by the assimilation of smaller prokaryotes inside larger ones]

**The eukaryotes (or Eukaryota) are a domain regrouping all organisms, unicellular or multicellular, that characterize themselves by the presence of a nucleus and generally of mitochondria in their cells. They are opposed to the category of the archaebacteria and the eubacterium. According to the nomenclature of Whittaker et Margulis (1978), the Eukaryotes re-assemble four of the largest living reigns: the animals, the mushrooms, the plants and the protists (protozoan).

It is within the Eukaryote reign that we will find the active principles that will bring to this mitochondrial function the complementary ATP destined for information necessary for the regeneration of our cells, although the later which are composed of DNA are in relation of the “Phantom DNA”, this one, reacting only of the frequency level. Unfortunately, to fully enter into this subject, it would require a very long explanation.

There exists an enormous difference between the prokaryotes and the bacteria, the cyanobacteria, etc…and the eukaryotes, the plants and the animals. Both, the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes, went through a life evolution completely different. The organization complexity is much more developed with the Eukaryotes than with the Prokaryotes. With the Prokaryotes, the ATP is produces both in the cellular membrane and in the cytosol by way of glycolysis. With the Eukaryotes, the ATP is produced by the chloroplasts for the vegetal reign, or in the mitochondria for certain plants and animals.

The generation (production) of ATP is so sophisticated that the viruses are not capable of producing their own ATP, for the simple good reason that the viruses do not possess the source of energy necessary for its fabrication. They draw it within (from) the cell. (See AIDS).

Coming back to the plants, the chloroplasts*** that we only find in the vegetal reign, they are organelles with a double membrane that produces ATP. At the interior of their membranes exists an ensemble of disks piled up, that contain pigments of chlorophyll that absorb the energy from light, so essential to their own life.

***The chloroplasts are organelles present in the cytoplasm of the photosynthetic Eukaryotes cells (plants, algae). They are sensitive to exposition to different wave lengths of the light spectrum. They play an essential role in the functioning of a vegetal cell for the reason that they permit to capture the light at the origin of the photosynthesis. By the intermediary of the chlorophyll that they contain and their ultra-structures, these organelles are capable to transport the energy vehicle by the photons to chemical molecules (like water). The chloroplasts play a very important role in the carbon cycle, by the transformation of the atmospheric carbon into organic carbon. The chloroplasts belong to a family of organelles called the plasts: they are the result of the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacteria, approximately 1,5 billion years ago.

The chloroplasts convert the solar energy into ATP, and foremost, they possess a transport function of electrons in order to produce ATP. These electrons are captured in water and during the photosynthesis, carbon dioxide being reduced into carbon dioxide by the energy obtained from the ATP.

The role of mitochondria :

Mitochondria participate by playing a role in the differentiation process of the cell and into the transmission process (mitochondrial DNA) of the intercellular information.

They dispose of a regulatory capacity of the cycles and of the cellular growth. The quantity of mitochondrial cells in one cell is a function of its metabolism; the more active and rigorous and important the activity is, the more numerous the organelles and mitochondrial cells are present, the overall vitality of the vital organs and their functions will be improved.

Mitochondria will convert the oxygen to liberate the necessary production of energy for the body. During this process of normal cellular “tonic” transformation, will appear the stress (oxidizing) that will become the source of free radicals. Those free radicals will afterward attack the fatty acids of the cellular membranes and of the DNA. Those damages may become irreversible for the mitochondrial DNA membrane.

It is to be noted that vitamins A, C and E will neutralize the free radicals (if they are biological and of good quality) by supplying them with the necessary electrons.

When the concentration of these free radicals is not too elevated, our anti-oxidant system has the complex capacity to drain completely those super oxides that are the free radicals. In order to respond to the oxidative stress, our organism produces certain proteins, (thermal shock protein), that will protect the mitochondria against the aggression of the stress. (The HSP – “Heat Shock Proteins”, are a class of chaperon proteins, initially discovered for their accumulation and their inductance generation under the effect of heat. Their role is to protect, maintain and regulate functions of the cells to which they are associated with…)

Normally, the anti-oxidant agents will protect the cells, but they are also subjected to different lesions, and with age, they cannot assume completely the protection of the mitochondrial functions.

The anti-oxidant agents do not penetrate the mitochondrial membranes, and, when fragments start missing, the direct energy function of the ATP ASE will diminish, and, the ensemble of the biochemical metabolism will witness a reduction of its functions.

This comprehension of the physico-biochemical steps of the molecules, of the cells and the organs, made possible many natural therapies of re-generation.

When the scientist effectuated the transfer of genes, they revealed the presence of a biologically active substance: the ions, they are highly energetic particles. An ion is a chemical specie electrically charged – atom or group of atoms – that has won (or lost) one or more electrons. An ion is therefore NOT electrically neutral. The value of the electric charge is indicated in the form of an exponent at the end of the chemical formula of the ion, as a multiple of the elementary electric charge.

Certain extracts originating from the eukaryotes reign (phytoplankton, algae, etc…) are highly energetic: they are extracts from natural organisms having a high longevity with a linear ionic structure biological and cellular, and it disposes of an ionic energetic charge capable of absorbing strong energies and liberate some as well.

Moreover, Eukaryotes extracts are a catalytic support and a transporter, biological energy transformer, the most efficient in today’s world, but the origin of which and its empirical use goes back for certain civilizations far before the antiquity.

Among the active principles that can contribute to the re-generation of the organism and act on the liberation of the energy by the ATP while maintaining the mitochondrial functions, we have the eukaryote algae: these are part of a group of organisms that are very diversified and that are found in a vast portion of our ecosystem present on our planet, from the Artic to the Antarctica to the desert zones. We find them in more than half of the basic food chain.

Recent research of particles containing the bio-electric life principles have conducted to the discovery of new active biological compounds for the human health, and they are non toxic.

Unicellular marine eukaryotes of the Arctic, for example, are composed of micro-algae. They include a group of very diversified organisms that learnt how to adapt living in the surface waters of the costal and oceanic regions that we call the phytoplankton. Other live in deep waters of the Arctic and Antarctica. There exists approximately 5,000 legitimate and recognized species of marine phytoplankton and unknown number of unidentified “sympagic” eukaryotes (organisms living under the ice). It has been evaluated to more than 2,000 eukaryote taxa (ensemble of organisms contained in a hierarchical level of a classification) marine unicellular that comprise 1 874 phytoplankton, and more than 1,000 “sympagic” taxa over the four pan-arctic regions: Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia including Greenland and the Russian Federation.

We find the phytoplankton and the “sympagic” taxa in four of the six supergroups of Eukaryotes (Chrysophytes, ou Cryophytes, cryptophytes, diatoms, dictyochophytes, dinoflagellate and prymnesiophytes), Excavata (euglenids) and Opisthokonta (choanoflagellates).

Certain bio-physical particles extracted from Eukaryotes are highly energetic like the algae Melosira Arctica: they are intrinsically equipped with a transformation function of liberating bio-electric charges and by the reaction of the ions, they accelerate the photons (it is the quantum energy associated with electromagnetic waves from radio waves to gamma rays including the visible light waves that present certain characteristics of the elementary particles. In the Quantum Theory of Fields, the photon is the mediator particle of the electromagnetic interaction. In other words, when two particles electrically charged are in interaction, this interaction is translated from a Quantum point of view, as an exchange of photons), it is for this reason that we call the result of this reaction: an ion particle.

The activation of certain extracts of these natural organisms of Eukaryote origin, by their principle of the transportation mechanism, bring to this organism, by a succession of steps, a constant energy to the mitochondrial functions by the ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).

When the active principles of these particles and nanoparticles pass through the cellular membrane by the mechanism explained precedently, the bio-electric energetic principles are being stimulated by the charge. This brings a strong intrinsical energy of 60 microvolts ( 1 microvolt = 1 millionth of a volt) which reaches after fusion and absorption due to the liposome* an electric charge of energy of 180 microvolts which is immediately transferred into the mitochondria.

*The name liposome is derived from two Greek words: Lipos means Fat and Soma means Body.

Liposomes have been described by British hematologist Dr Alec Douglas Bangham, Fellow of the Royal Society in 1961 (published in 1964), at Babraham Institute, in Cambridge. A liposome can be associated to a variety of shapes and sizes uni-lamellar or multi-lamellar in construction. Its name is related essentially to it shape and not its size. Its construction structure is referred to phospholipids. By opposition, the name nanosome is referring to the size, but it was not reported until the beginning of the 1990s, since it was invented to designate the lower nano-meter dimension of these special liposomes. Liposome and nano-some are not synonymous. A liposome is not necessarily the lipophobic content, like water, even if it does sometimes. This property is responsible for the fact that the liposomes are used as vectors or transporters in pharmacology (vectorization of active principles) and in genetics (transfer of genes).

This liberation of 180 mv, produces a conversion of energy. The mitochondrial functions recharge themselves sufficiently to prolong the duration of life, and maintain the cellular and organic functions.

Thereafter, they come back to a charge of 60 mv, this action mechanism of the ion particles has a repetitive function. In the interior of the cell, these particles have an energetic capacity for an average of 10 days, then they are evacuated by the lymphatic system. This phenomenon does not present any alteration, change or consequence on the cellular membrane.

In the functioning of the lymphatic system, all the body, with the exception of the central nervous system, the muscles, of the cartilage, the bone marrow, disposes of network of parallel lymph vessels to the veins that accompany the arteries.

The lymph, interstitial liquid circulating into the lymph vessels, takes care of a partial part of the by-products of the cellular activity via the intracellular tissues. The lymph is purified by the passage into the ganglionic chain: it circulates thereafter towards the blood circulation that it will re-join via the thoracic conduit at the level of the subclavian veins.

It is the lymphatic system which is responsible of the transport of a large part of the lipids coming from nutrition towards circulation. Therefore the later does not pass by the liver.

These particles coming from certain Eukaryotes are the most rapid and durable source of provision and re-generation for the organism, and without consequences for the organism. It is moreover, the reason for why our oceans are the most capital instrument for the survival of the whole life chain on Earth, including the Human Race.

Their active principles can utilize the absorption of the precipitations of the calcium phosphate particles in the cellular membrane.

The active principles can enter in the mitochondrial cell by the membrane, since they possess the bio-electric charge intrinsically necessary of 180 mv instead of one of 60 mv.

At the time of the penetration of the cellular membrane, the ion particle can use the difference of bio-electric potential of the cellular membrane, in other words it can utilize calcium particles, but also gold for its vibratory qualities or other metals principally, lead, tin, copper, steel, silver, antimony and mercury: Nano-infinitesimal particles playing the role of vibratory receptors vehicle by the chelate transporters that absorb spontaneously the informative energy produced for the DNA / DNA messenger and mitochondrial DNA in order to generate this strong potential of trans mutational energy, deployed for the Re-generation with the help of the primary information, and, reprogram the general organic activation.

As a reminder, chelation is a physico-chemical process during which a complex is formed, the chelate, between a ligand (In biology, a ligand (from the Latin word ligandum, binder) is a molecule that will bind itself but in a reversible manner on a targeted macromolecule, protein or nucleic acid, generally playing a functional role: structural stabilization (direction in space), catalysis, modulation of an enzymatic activity, transmission of a signal) known as chelator (or chelatant), and a metalliccation (or atom) now having become complexed, known as chelate. It is to be noted that the metal chelators are present in infinitesimal traces and play a role of vibratory keys in the reading of the register of the different chapters of the DNA; they react in closing or opening to different frequencies (vibrations) received in pico-seconds – from 8 to 8 until 64×8 picoseconds, that mark the change from a level causing a geometric modification of the directional vector in space (here we find the whole difference between a molecule of natural origin and a synthetic molecule which raises the problem of the quantitative and the qualitative).

These active principles extracted from the Eukaryote reign permit to transform and generate a transformation from a weak state of the cells to a state of optimal energy.

Its action is physical, and by reaction it has a positive effect on the emotion and mental level.

It permits to make the body go through a state of aging and illness towards a state of full health and vitality.

Re-generation of the skin, the organs, action on the secondary effects caused by different illnesses, and, therapeutic action on the different pathologies.

Improvement of the immune functions and the hormonal functions, re-generation of the brain, improvement of the sleeping pattern, muscular restructuration, etc.

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