Agriculture : A natural method for cultivating

Posted 5 years ago
Written by Fulmina Institut
Agriculture : A natural method for  cultivating


The objective of this presentation is to bring a technology and a know-how in the domain of agriculture; this will allow us to solve a series of problems that have become more acute and more present in the world production – as much in the quantitative domain as in the qualitative domain – while preserving the ancestral know-how in agriculture and at the same time enhancing production, its nutrition quality, preserving the patrimony given by past generations. These technologies has the particularity, among other things, of being pollution free, while regenerating the biotope and preserve the genetic potential of its vegetals and its seeds. The costs of implementing such a technology are well within the means of everyone, and can be applied without major disruption in most countries, even those where climates are difficult, suffering from dryness or even desert based.

Master Patent reaches a level of universal character. It touches every level of society in every human life such as the discovery of electricity, the light bulb or the telephone. Stemming out of these extraordinary discoveries, millions of patents were issued based on their principles. These patents changed the quality of life of every single human being on a daily basis. Can we imagine life without the presence of available electricity?

In the same manner we have obtained two Master Patents that have been recognized as such by the PCT in Geneva, by the European Patent Office (EP), and the Patent offices of the most important countries like USA, China, Japan, India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico. The first three level of examiners, (PCT, EP and US) bear consequence for all countries, and they have confirmed to us the fact that our discoveries were patentable as Master Patents, by the uniqueness of their character. They made it official by the delivery of Patent certificates. Based on these patents we were able to patent a great number of other applications all related to the Masters that will soon be called to play a major role in our societies. We will specifically address the domain of Agriculture.

Nature of the patent and the law of William Henry

In order to understand the fundamental principle that was proclaimed by this law and the contribution of our patent, we must talk about the Law of William Henry (1774 – 1836). This law has been completely reshaped by our discovery.

The English physicist and chemist from Manchester proclaimed the following scientific law at the beginning of the 19th century:  

At constant temperature and saturation, the concentration of a gas dissolved into a liquid (C) is proportional to the partial pressure (P) exercised by the gas on the liquid. 

C = HP

If we take the example of the dissolution of oxygen into ultra pure water, i.e., in total absence of minerals, we would observe that at 0° Celsius and at one atmosphere of pressure, we find a maximum of 14,6 parts per million of oxygen into water. 

Let us imagine now that, contrary to the recognized law, we have demonstrated that it is possible to integrate in a water molecule 10 times more particles of oxygen than first predicted by the law, a gas so fundamental to the growth of all plants. This kind of factor attracts attention. And justifiably so. When we first produced our first solutions that contained more than 120 ppm, we immediately observed an exceptional phenomenon, the amazing reduction of the surface tension of the electrons. In other words, in the absence of resistance, this water possessed exceptional penetrating properties. There was therefore ion mobility multiplied by the same factor of 10.

This fundamental observation bears consequences for the whole ensemble of industrial processes. Lets now address the agricultural question. 


There was a time when the fight for survival meant that you had to adapt to Nature. A time when one took for granted that conforming to Natural Laws would provide the assurance of clean air and clean water and were assuring a healthy food chain.

Just a few changes, some of which were not judicious to their environment, human beings, through ages, have lost their bearings that used to procure them with their force, the renewal of their energy, in short, the blooming of their health.

Today, the survival struggle continues, but the dangers are more insidious. The poisons in the air, in water and in the food, slowly furtively conceal from the livings, their natural support, and endangers with more and more evidence, the essential equilibrium of their well-being.

It is to participate to the redress of this state of health of humans that has become precarious that we developed an Advanced technology for the growth of plants: improve the quality of food for the majority and, by the same token, offer a serious mean to prevent illnesses, by opposing a stronger resistance to an environment that unfortunately has become more hostile. Here are certain examples of this growth:

Roots of a treated tomato plant

This illustration of our first drizzle technique for plants, shows only a portion of the tomato root plant that we treated with a water containing between 60 and 120 ppm of oxygen. The next picture is a cut of our drizzling system.

The drizzling system for sprinkling water

The concept was based on extensive and expensive research; this research demonstrated clearly that bio culture IS, for us, the road to follow. Thus, are we assured to obtain, among other things, a non-mutagen, non-carcinogen and mostly biogenic and organoleptic product.

We named this new technique resulting for our research, drizzleculture. This process of watering plants, does NOT use soil, and allows the distribution of water in a uniform and regular matter, in a fine drizzle, on the overall surface of the eventual small growths. All is done in a non-aggressive way, using water from a thoroughly tested process that clears the water from all its toxins, be they biological, chemical, industrial or natural in nature.

The water is therefore exempt from impurities while conserving its original vibration; in fact it possesses more energy, more vitality following treatment. It stays LIVE! The process also produces a unique resistant germination, which eliminates the yeast, moulds, and harmful bacteria, those three unwanted nightmarish characters that all germination producers really are dreading all over the world. 

With the objective of efficiently controlling our growth, their physical and molecular environment is managed by a high-end computer process control. The later informs us with precision on all minute details of the growth activity within the interior growth system of the plant. Nothing is neglected to obtain a germination of incomparable quality, which would be the most in conformity with what it would ideally be in Nature. All our efforts are aimed towards this goal; as a consequence, it is not surprising that we would direct our particular attention on water, air and light.

Thus, thanks to the process control system of our greenhouses, each single activity is controlled, modified according to the needs and characteristics expressed by each germination. In this regard, we maintain an appropriate temperature in the room, negative ions in the air along with the oxygen liberated by the plants and the CO2 directed towards them, the relative and absolute humidity, the pH (Hydrogen potential), the ORP (Oxydo-reduction potential), the time and intervals of water drizzling, all these elements and many others, are carefully controlled.

Thanks to bio culture, we can equally control the light frequencies avoiding in the process the bacteria and advance sterilization of the air particles first of the incoming renewing air, then the existing ambient air using a recirculator-sterilizer.

Pointing to the fact that the bacterial flora of the basins where plants grow is controlled by a natural extract of citrus fruit and at the same time maintaining a constant positive pressure in the culture room that prevents contamination coming from the outside.

Finally, due to a series of advanced probes, we are in position to reproduce with fidelity the natural qualities of natural light, its gradations as well as the lunar light. We integrate to this equilibrium ensemble, the sound elements: rain, electrical storms, buzzing of insects and animal calls…

This panoply of means at the disposition of this growth technology serves but ONE purpose: the wakening of what it is agreed to call the memory of the growth. Once the memory of the plant is activated and conveniently stimulated, this memory drives each growth to a complete bloom of its natural characteristics.

The last important element for a good development of the growths is the reflecting paper. The one we use offers almost a perfect reflection for a uniform and adequate luminous dispersion.

The glue used to attach the paper to the walls does not alter itself. It does not spread any emanation by loss of mass in the form of evaporations therefore preventing the proliferation of bacteria.

In this most favorable environment we can see the explosion of the vital memory of our seeds being the cause of the effervescence of their cellular multiplication. Our germination is a “super nutriment” endowed with a force and energy in expansion. To feed on these growth germinations produced by this technology is equivalent to a transfer of the cellular memory of the plant to the cellular memory of our own body, which has for effect to prolong and/or regenerate the youth of our own cells.

This germination provides to the person who consumes it, the benefits of the solar and telluric magnetism; it puts to disposition of putrefactive cells, some proteins, numerous oligo elements along with indispensable ferments needed for digestion and assimilation. Moreover, the germination possesses an extraordinary enzymatic power needed for the good assimilation of the nutritive elements of our food. We call them anti free radicals.

All of the above allows us to humbly affirm that our enterprise satisfies to the ecological demands, the most severe biological standards and that the quality of this germination is calling for a new norm of biological culture.

At mid and short term, our technology will expand its wings over this vast domain that is HEALTH. It will touch to natural cosmetics, will extract essential refined oils, more pure food supplements, etc. Doing so, we will remain true to our vocation: to irradiate Health, Beauty, and the Natural everywhere where it is still possible to make it happen.

Illustration of the full length and texture of the Tomato Root:

When we treat the seeds of any plant, as it is the case in this tomato plant, we also verified an exhaustive ensemble of vegetables and other plants, the first thing we observe is the exceptional growth if their roots, after only one week of growth (see illustration on page 10 Agosto 26-2001). Barely one week after the start of growth in the greenhouse, the root has already reached a length of approximately 80 cm. And the secret of the growth of plants is evidently in their roots that become the absorbing mouths of all the nutriments.

Like most of the living organisms, the plants are constituted in very large proportion of water. It is therefore vital to provide the plant with healthy water, and the water we provide is one with “penetrating” qualities. To obtain a maximum of the genetic potential of the plant and preserve its ancestral patrimony (we only use natural seeds that have not been genetically modified), a series of conditions have been put in place to obtain the maximum growth of the plant.

The two pipes that you see in the illustration on page 4 above, between which the root of the plant is located, are part of a patented drizzling system of watering that feeds the plant, saving us an astronomical quantity of potable water, while being a factor of stabilization of the growth of the plant. We succeed, like in the case of the tomato, to produce tomato plants that will generate on an annual basis up to 400 kilos of tomatoes per plant, but we do that on a nine (9) week period, therefore we can obtain four crops per year. The mineralogical analysis made by the best University faculties concluded that our tomatoes were the best in the market as to their content in tasty minerals. It has to be noted that we do not add any artificial chemical ingredient in our water nor any anti-parasite or anti-fungic product. This is a very good example of the effects on the growth of a plant of the reduction of the surface tension of the electrons.

When we lower the surface tension of the electrons we generally observe the following phenomenon:

  1. An augmentation of the penetrating power of solvents, like water

  2. A lowering of the ionic friction – causing the exceptional growth of the roots of plants. An augmentation of Ionic mobility.

  3. An augmentation of the fluidity potential

  4. An acceleration of the precipitation power

  5. A reduction of the evaporation power

  6. An augmentation of the longevity of membranes

  7. An augmentation of the filtration debit by unity of surface of membranes

  8. An augmentation of the separation debit of membranes by unity of surface

  9. An augmentation of the suppression process for the elimination of odors

  10. A reduction of the DO (demand in oxygen) of bacterial micro-organisms

Each one of these reactions is implicated, at one point or the other, in the Growth Process.

Now let us address the issues of the growth of our tomato plants

We observe that the tomato is a fruit, and that in general in nature, fruits grow in trees. Our tomato plant naturally became a 6 meters high tomato tree, producing grapes of tomatoes. The whole process taking not more than 9 weeks. From 17 Agosto to 26 Octubre. We can therefore obtain four crops per year.

The following illustrations are examples of different types of plants that were treated with our oxygenated water, and we obtain very similar results.

This table provides a comparison of different types of production, with a Corporation being one of the biggest producers in Canada. Their production reaching approximately 100 kilos per year per plant. Our production reaches up to 800 to 1600 k. per plant/yr.

The Nursery

We start the tomato growths in our nursery. We control their demands in light and in water; the system will feed light or water in each individual tray where each individual growth is located, when the sensors obtain request from the plant.

Process control System controlling all the parameters 

The Patented Technology of Oxygenated Water:

The initial seeds are treated with water containing between 60 and 120 ppm of oxygen integrated into water.

The equipment illustrated in the following image, is in fact a mobile unit equipped with two oxygenators.

Schematic of the operation of the Oxygenator:


  1. There are two methods of application of this technology:

  • The first one is similar to the existing methods except the watering of the plants is done with oxygenated water, using the existing methods of watering. The water contains more oxygen, which gives the water livelier and more stimulating characteristics. The water permits to develop and preserve the organoleptic qualities of the vegetal produced.

  • The second one is conceived for a production in areas where climate offers challenges to the traditional ways of cultivating. The method is however natural, also keeping and preserving the organoleptic property of water. It is characterized by a very high level of production, making it an excellent candidate for an industrial ORGANIC production, of superior quality.

  1. The second method applies to market-gardening culture for open ground or greenhouse.

  2. This technology applies perfectly to cereal productions, fruit-bearing arboriculture, floral productions, seedbeds productions, and generally to all plants.

  3. Other domains of application: fish farming, oysters farming, and bee farming.

  4. Medical Applications (humans and animals).

  5. Sport Applications: Muscles oxygenation without any pervert or toxic effects (iatrogenic).

  6. Breeding Applications: birds (chicken), bovine. It provides the animals with superior resistance, a stronger growth, an important reduction if not elimination of the use of antibiotics and other treatment products.

  7. Regeneration of coral reefs.

We refer the reader interested in additional information on the role of oxygenated water, to consult the file on Water titled: Technology project for the decontamination of wastewater that you will find Here 

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